Lemons + Vodka = Limoncello

July 3, 2012 § 2 Comments

I was the lucky recipient of a grocery bag full of homegrown, organic lemons from my in-laws tree.   So my thought was…when you’re handed lemons make Limoncello.  Well maybe not everyone thinks to make limoncello but my mother-in-law planted the seed and all I can say is –  I’m glad she did.  The limoncello turned out perfectly delicious.  It was so perfectly tasty that we ended up gifting the limoncello back to them; however, not all has been gifted away.  I have 2 more batches brewing.  🙂 UmHm, I know you want some so I’ll call you when it is ready.  If you can’t seem to wait that long, here is my secret recipe so you can brew a batch (or two) at home.

  • 6 – 10 lemons (6 if they are large, 8 if medium and 10 if small)
  • 1 – 750 ml bottle of vodka (any brand)
  • 2 cups cane sugar
  • 3 cups water

Wash the lemons really well with a brush under cool water.  With a sharp knife, cut the peel off of the lemons.  Make sure not to include any of the white part (pith).  This will make your limoncello bitter.  Place the peel into a container with a lid.  Pour the entire bottle of vodka into the container.  Let steep for at least 4-5 weeks (longer if possible).  After at least a month of sitting, it is time to make the simple syrup.  Pour 3 cups of water and 2 cups of sugar into a sauce pan.  Heat the water to allow the sugar to dissolve.  Once dissolved, cool the water.  Strain the infused vodka to remove all the lemon peel.  Marry the lemon vodka and syrup together.  Pour into decorative bottle and chill for a few hours in the fridge.  Serve in small cordial type glasses.  This is a classic, Italian, after dinner drink to be sipped and enjoyed.  I hope you make this and enjoy it.  We certainly will! Cheers!

Now…what to do with all those naked lemons!?!  Hmmmm…I KNOW…LEMONADE.  I just happen to have the perfect recipe.  Stay tuned!

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§ 2 Responses to Lemons + Vodka = Limoncello

  • Sue Estenson says:

    This is a great recipe. It is sure to become a family tradition when the lemons produce. I am saving bottles for you…just keep on enjoying the good life.

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